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Message to Pride Community Center

Pride Community Center - LGBTQ  in College Station TX

Pride Community Center

(979) 217-1324
(979) 217-1324


About Pride Community Center

Pride Community Center seeks to build community, provide resources and services, offer education and outreach, and more! We are a grassroots organization made up of dedicated community members devoting time, energy, and support…come and help!

Our mission is to provide a safe place for persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, their families and friends, to meet and socialize without having to worry about who they are.

The purpose of the Pride Community Center is to (1) educate the public about sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, (2) advocate for civil rights under law and social equality for the Community, (3) provide resources like cultural services, emotional support, mental health services, health information and avenues for personal growth to enhance self-esteem, (4) strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against the Community, and (5) develop outreach programs promoting a harmonious relationship between the Community and citizens of the Brazos Valley. The Pride Community Center intends to create a safe space for the Community to assemble for the above-cited purposes free of discrimination, violence, taunting, and fear.


Primary Office Location

pin 2130 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy S College Station TX 77842

pin (979) 217-1324


Social Media

Twitter page for Pride Community Center - LGBTQ  in College Station Twitter page for Pride Community Center - LGBTQ  in College Station Facebook page for Pride Community Center - LGBTQ  in College Station Instagram page for Pride Community Center - LGBTQ  in College Station Instagram page for Pride Community Center - LGBTQ  in College Station
Message Pride Community Center
(979) 217-1324