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Message to QWELL Community Foundation

QWELL Community Foundation - LGBTQ  in Austin TX

QWELL Community Foundation

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About QWELL Community Foundation

QWELL works to improve LGBTQIA+ wellbeing – physical health, mental health, relationships and community connections, living environment, learning opportunities, and economic condition – in Greater Austin, Texas, including planting multiple Austin Outpost community centers.

QWELL Community Foundation began as a series of conversations about why Austin, with the nation’s third-largest LGBTQIA+ population per capita, had no community center connecting residents with each other and the affirming resources they need.

Dozens of organizations and hundreds of community members contributed to the discussion.

As LGBTQIA+ leaders and residents shared visions for how a community center could help, it became apparent that Greater Austin’s LGBTQIA+ community was missing other key infrastructure. We needed to go deeper.

QWELL has 1 Mission:
Cultivate an LGBTQIA+ culture of health and self-actualization in Greater Austin.

QWELL's Goals:
1. Engage every LGBTQIA+ and Ally person in Greater Austin, across differences in age, race, gender, class, orientation, etc.

2. Connect each LGBTQIA+ community member with resources they can use to improve their wellbeing.

3. Support our partner LGBTQIA+ organizations and businesses so they can grow to meet our diverse community’s needs.


Primary Office Location

pin 4315 Guadalupe St., Suite 300 Austin TX 78751

Social Media

Facebook page for QWELL Community Foundation - LGBTQ  in Austin Instagram page for QWELL Community Foundation - LGBTQ  in Austin
Message QWELL Community Foundation