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Message to Stonewall Law Association of Greater Houston

Stonewall Law Association of Greater Houston - LGBTQ  in Houston TX

Stonewall Law Association of Greater Houston

(713) 478-2618
(713) 478-2618

About Stonewall Law Association of Greater Houston

Stonewall Law Association of Greater Houston is Houston’s local LGBTQA+ bar association. We are a professional association of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and ally attorneys, judges, paralegals, and law students providing a diverse and inclusive legal presence. With your help, SLAGH will continue to be the leading organization of legal professionals providing a voice for the LGBTQA+ community in the greater Houston area.


Primary Office Location

pin 2615 Montrose Blvd Houston TX 77006

pin (713) 478-2618


Social Media

Twitter page for Stonewall Law Association of Greater Houston - LGBTQ  in Houston Facebook page for Stonewall Law Association of Greater Houston - LGBTQ  in Houston
Message Stonewall Law Association of Greater Houston
(713) 478-2618